Your hearing specialist wants to help you, and ensure they address every potential concern you have about your hearing health. However, if you’re not used to being inside an audiologist’s office, or you’ve never had a hearing test done before, you might not know how to bring up your questions or when to ask them.

But in our mind, communicating with a hearing specialist shouldn’t be hard. If you’re worried about an upcoming appointment, we’ve got some pointers down below that’ll help you get the answers you need.

Before Your Appointment

Before you come in for your appointment, make sure you write down a few things regarding the concerns or worries you may have. This is your chance to get your head around what’s going to happen and how you want to get through your appointment. Most of all, you can write down what questions you want to ask, and any accommodations you’d like the audiologist to take into account.

Start with the worries you’ve got about your auditory health – whether that’s hearing loss, earwax impaction or tinnitus. This will make sure you don’t forget about anything while you’re there, as many people can find it hard to remember in the moment.

Then you can write down questions you’ve got for the hearing specialist. Make sure these stem from the worries you’ve listed above. For example, maybe you take medication for a chronic health condition, and you’re concerned it may be affecting your hearing. Put this question at the top of your priorities to ensure you’ve got time for it. Additional questions you may want to ask include:

  • What specific type of hearing loss do I have, and what might be causing it?
  • What are the available treatment options for my hearing loss?
  • Could hearing aids be beneficial for me, and if so, what types of hearing aids are recommended?
  • Are there any lifestyle changes or adjustments that could help improve my hearing health?
  • Are there any steps I can take to prevent further hearing loss or protect my hearing in different environments?

Getting answers to your questions will provide you with the full picture of your hearing health and the best course you should take to remedy any issues you’ve been experiencing, allowing you to feel confident in your decisions.

Speak Up if You Don’t Understand

It’s important to have open communication with your audiologist and discuss any aspects of your hearing health journey that you find unclear. Don’t hesitate to ask questions or seek clarification about your diagnosis, treatment options, or recommended hearing aids. Your audiologist is there to provide you with comprehensive information and address your concerns. Remember, a clear understanding of your situation will empower you to make informed decisions about your hearing care.

If you feel you need to, you can also bring someone along with you. This way you can have someone in the room who you know already understands you, and can listen along to what the audiologist says as well. This means you can compare notes once you’re out of the room.

You can also get the hearing specialist themself to write down anything you need to know. If you need bigger words defined, you can get them noted here, as well as double check that you’ve got everything you need to know written down already.

Talking About Your Treatment Options

When discussing treatment options for hearing loss, one prominent avenue to explore is the use of hearing aids. These sophisticated devices can significantly improve your quality of life by enhancing your ability to hear and communicate effectively. Your audiologist will guide you through the various types of hearing aids available, explaining their features, styles, and technologies. They will consider your specific hearing needs, lifestyle, and preferences to recommend the most suitable hearing aid for you. Engaging in an open conversation with your audiologist about hearing aid options empowers you to make an informed decision and embark on a journey toward improved hearing clarity and enriched experiences.

Contact Our Team for Your Hearing Care

If you want to know the best ways to talk to an audiologist, you can get in touch with us here at Sommerville Audiology and Hearing Aid Center. We’re happy to talk through your concerns, as well as make as many accommodations for your comfort as you need.

A hearing test with a hearing specialist should never be something you’re afraid of. You can contact us easily at 586-298-3788; we’re always happy to take your call! Our experts are waiting to help on the other end of the phone and we’ll make sure you can book an appointment to suit you.