When it comes to hearing aids, there are plenty available on the market, making them easily accessible for anyone who might need or want them. However, with multiple hearing device types, it can be confusing to navigate for the first time. For example, what’s the difference between over-the-counter hearing aids and prescription hearing aids? Are there benefits to one over the other?

In this guide, we’ll discuss the benefits of hearing aids, as well as what types of hearing aids you might come across for hearing loss. You’ll also understand the differences between over-the-counter and prescription hearing aids.

The Benefits of Hearing Aids

There are a number of great benefits that you get when it comes to using hearing aids. The first step to determining whether or not your life could improve with hearing aids is by visiting an audiologist for a hearing test. Some of the benefits that come with using hearing aids include:

  • Being able to hear sounds you didn’t hear previously
  • Hearing speech over the phone clearly
  • Not needing to have your TV on a high-volume
  • Regaining confidence in social surroundings
  • Being able to communicate with loved ones without repetition

What Are Over-the-Counter (OTC) Hearing Aids?

OTC hearing aids are a convenient way of gaining access to hearing aids without having to go through a professional. These devices could be potentially effective for those who are experiencing self-perceived mild hearing loss. They’re accessible – available at big box stores, clinics and online – and are useful for those who want quick access to hearing aids perhaps to try them out before investing in some higher-quality options.

What Are Prescription Hearing Aids?

Prescription hearing aids are custom devices, which means you’ll need to have a hearing test and diagnosis before you discuss treatment options. After the testing process, your audiologist will talk to you about the different options and styles available, recommending the best solution for your particular set of needs. Prescription hearing aids are ordered, fitted and programmed by the audiologist themselves.

The Differences Between OTC and Prescription Hearing Aids

Are there differences between OTC and prescription hearing aids? Well, yes there is. Both how you go about gaining access to the hearing aids and the types available will depend on which route you go down.

OTC hearing devices seemingly offer advantages for individuals dealing with mild hearing loss. These devices are easily accessible, making them a convenient option for those seeking a quick solution to address their hearing needs. However, it’s essential to consider the drawbacks. These devices lack customization options, limiting their suitability for individuals with more complicated hearing loss who may require personalized adjustments. While OTC devices offer convenience, they won’t all come with the additional fine-tuning your audiologist can provide. Additionally, the convenience they provide could be short-lived, emphasizing the importance of carefully considering individual hearing requirements when exploring hearing device options.

Opting for prescription hearing aids presents several distinct advantages, elevating the overall hearing care experience. With these devices, individuals benefit from a more accurate diagnosis, ensuring that the selected solution precisely addresses their unique hearing needs. The personalized touch of working closely with an audiologist enhances the overall experience, offering not only tailored adjustments for optimal sound quality but also a better fit and enhanced comfort. Routine appointments with audiologists may uncover underlying conditions, allowing for proactive management. Additionally, the ongoing follow-up care ensures that the performance of the hearing aids remains optimal over time. While the requirement for audiologist appointments may be viewed as a potential drawback, the comprehensive care and personalized attention provided offset this, making prescription hearing aids a superior choice for those prioritizing precision and long-term hearing wellness.

Why Choose Prescription Hearing Aids Over OTC?

As you can tell from above, there are plenty of advantages to both types of hearing aids but you certainly get a lot more cons with OTC devices. So, why choose prescription hearing aids? Although they may take you a little more effort to get a hold of, the quality and service you’ll receive when selecting prescription aids is going to be more helpful.

If you’re looking to explore the option of prescription hearing aids, get in touch with Sommerville Audiology & Hearing Aid Center at 586-298-3788. We make it easy for all our patients to get routine hearing appointments and solutions to their hearing problems. No matter what severity your hearing loss may be, we will do everything we can to be of assistance.

Tags: benefits of hearing aids, hearing aid styles, over-the-counter hearing aids