How Smart Home Devices Can Assist Those with Hearing Loss
Living with hearing loss can make it harder to pick up on everyday sounds,
Experiencing hearing loss can determine a new kind of day-to-day living, one where it’s best to make sure you have every provision accounted for. Thankfully, hearing loss is nowhere near as challenging to overcome; with hearing devices and specialist treatment, unlocking your hearing capabilities and quality of life can be alleviated.
It’s understandable that you have many questions when it comes to wearing a hearing aid, whether you’re trying to understand the different styles or are trying to decide on the features that are beset for your situation.
The first step in your hearing health journey is finding an audiologist qualified to discuss these matters in line with your personal needs. While it’s true that hearing aid sales services can be incredibly direct and informative about their hearing aid specifications and maintenance needs, they cannot understand your particular requirements as a trained specialist can.
In order to understand the day-to-day management, responsibilities and benefits that come with wearing a hearing aid, it’s important to ask any questions you feel are relevant. Remember, when it comes to your wellbeing, there’s no such thing as a silly question.
To guide you, we’ve curated three of the most pressing and common questions audiologists are asked by first-time hearing aid wearers:
Of course, it’s best to ask the most pressing question to begin with. There are many styles and models of hearing aid out there, and what may work well for one person may not be appropriate in your situation.
The three main hearing aid styles involve in the ear (ITE), behind the ear (BTE) and in the canal (ITC). They each have their advantages and disadvantages.
For instance, while ITC hearing aids fit within the canal and provide the most private appearance, they really are mostly recommended to those experiencing mild-to-moderate hearing loss as opposed to more advanced needs. Thanks to their placement within the ear, they do offer more ‘occlusion’ of the ear canal and may be affected by earwax and moisture.
BTE hearing aids are those you’re probably most familiar with, looping around the ear with a custom mold that keeps it secure. They’re great for almost all levels of hearing loss, including profound hearing loss, and provide excellent wireless technology. That said, they can sometimes be a little irritating for glasses wearers, as an appropriate fit must be found.
ITE hearing aids provide excellent placement and are usually more discreet than behind the ear. They’re usually known as a comfortable middle ground, and can offer different skin tones design to blend with the ear.
Ultimately, any audiologist will be able to give you clarified reasons as to why a particular style is more suitable for your needs. It’s also worth asking them if they’re associated with any hearing aid manufacturers, including what kind of selection they offer. Remember also that additional features can sometimes be appropriate, like Bluetooth technology, or synchronized tuning.
Most hearing aids need some kind of semi-regular maintenance, be that changing the batteries, daily cleaning, or simply servicing them should issues arise.
It’s a good idea to ask the cost of free cleanings, replacement parts, troubleshooting and even full repair services ahead of time, or a referral of where these are best performed. In some cases, an insurance package may allow this work to be conducted for a service fee and nothing else. It’s best to understand that ahead of time.
Furthermore, you must ask how to maintain your hearing aid to the degree it is recommended that you perform some vital tasks yourself. Learning how to change a battery, for instance, can allow you to recharge and ready your hearing aid every three to twenty days on average.
Hearing aids aren’t toys or simple devices, they are sophisticated medical instruments designed to aid you with one of your most important senses. For this reason, aftercare post-installation is essential.
Most of the time, you will at least attend one follow-up appointment after your hearing aids have been produced and delivered to you. They will help with calibrating and finding the perfect fit. This may also involve hands-on training as described above, as well as testing and offering tips to perfect your experience.
Audiologists understand that wearing a hearing aid for the first time is a totally new experience for most people, and will be happy to field any questions you have.
In order to make sure that you’re well-provided for, it’s important to look to the most proven audiologist services out there. To learn more about Sommerville Audiology & Hearing Aid Center and our services, contact our team at 586-298-3788!
Living with hearing loss can make it harder to pick up on everyday sounds,
Ever catch yourself asking friends to repeat themselves more often, or
Hearing loss is a complex issue with many contributing factors. Among